Three Incredible World Cup ‘Facts’ That You Almost Won’t Believe

With the 2014 World Cup well under way and journalists always trying to get a different angle, I thought I should help them out a little with these obscure World Cup stories I unearthed.

1: Goalscorers Score Goals

Did you know that – until the 2014 Finals – Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo combined have scored less goals at a World Cup stadium than Kojo, an elephant that was involved in the Opening Ceremony at the 2010 tournament in South Africa.

2: Bet What You Know

A fun one, this. In 1994, the son of a very famous American billionaire was on his gap year in London.

Taken with his new surroundings and the fever that came with a World Cup Finals back in his home country, he decided to have a big bet on England to win USA ’94.

He wanted to bet £10,000 but none of the big bookmakers would take the bet nor, unsurprisingly, would the independents. He was, apparently, repeatedly told that there was no way England could win USA 94, but he wasn’t dissuaded.

Eventually, he found a small bookie near where he was staying who did agree to take his money. The bookmaker explained to this guy that as England didn’t qualify, his bet would not be able to win but he would take the bet providing this particular chap would sign something that clearly showed he understood this.

The man did so and, of course, lost his £10,000. He had, however, written on the bottom of the note ‘England are just as qualified as any other team’ and signed it with his name.

3: In A Game Of Feet, The One Armed Man Is King

Hector Castro, the Uruguayan international, who scored the final goal to win the first ever World Cup for his country in 1930 had only one arm.

He accidentally cut it off with an electric saw when he was just 13. In typical football style ‘banter’, he was nicknamed ‘El Manco’ or, in English, the ‘One-Armed’.

Cremation Urn In The Shape of A Football

Class. You can’t buy it,  you know. But what you can buy for the Arsenal or Man Utd fan in your family ( you know the type…never been to Manchester or North London in their life) is a cremation urn in the shape of a football.

I know, I know. You’re probably wondering why no one has thought of it before. But luckily a funeral company in Vienna has finally done it.

A snip at £281.00 each.

Strikers That Don’t Step Up To The Plate

So, a couple of English teams went out of Europe last night on penalties. No big surprises there.

But there’s one thing I hate about penalty shoot outs is who steps up to take one. All too often strikers ( you know, the people that are paid to be calm in front of goal and score) bottle it and don’t even take a penalty.

Such was the case with Everton last night. Where was Andy Johnson for Everton. Surely, he should have taken one of the first couple of penalties for the Toffees ? After all, scoring goals is what he is paid to do. Phil Jagielka (who missed one) is not.

It irkes me a great deal that managers always seem to allow the players to decide whether or not they want to take a penalty. The end result is that brave players with less skill in front of goal end up taking them while certain strikers hide away at the background.

All strikers should be made to take part in penalty shootouts. Otherwise, they’re just gutless glory seekers.

Stand up and be counted, for Christ’s sake.

Gazza Sectioned…It’s All Too Sad

For those who, like me, grew up watching Paul Gascoigne playing for Spurs and England, the latest news on Gazza is just too, too sad.

It appears that, following a disturbance at a Newcastle hotel, Gazza was both arrested and then sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

This is just the latest in a long line of problems Gascoigne has suffered since his retirement from football. He is clearly not a well man and needs proper professional support and help to recover. Let’s hope that – this time – he actually gets it.

On a brighter note, let’s take a look back at one of Gazza’s many moments of genius :

The Freekick Against Arsenal in the FA Cup Semi-Final 1991. Enjoy !